Domino - Time
Playful practice around the clock and the time Applying and deepening what has been learned Linking analogue and digital clock display...
Playful practice around the clock and the time Applying and deepening what has been learned Linking analogue and digital clock display...
Naming the coins; determining and notating the amounts of money Reading and writing money amounts Putting money amounts in different ways...
Naming the coins; determining and notating the amounts of money Reading and writing money amounts Putting money amounts in different ways...
Building a m3 cube Strengthening spatial thinking Comparing 1 cm3 and 1dm3 with objects in space Recognising and describing geometric figures...
Action-oriented, playful approach to symmetry Getting to know the properties of symmetry and a mirror image Getting to know the basic terms in...
Action-oriented, playful approach to symmetry Getting to know the properties of symmetry and a mirror image Getting to know the basic terms in...
Action-oriented, playful approach to symmetry Getting to know the properties of symmetry and a mirror image Getting to know the basic terms in...
Action-oriented, playful approach to symmetry Getting to know the properties of symmetry and a mirror image Getting to know the basic terms in...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Spanning geometric bodies freely or according to templates Training the perception of space and position and the sense of touch Actively...
Knowledge of the number word series Ability to write the numbers Ordinal understanding of numbers (number as counting and ordinal number)...
Knowledge of the number word series Ability to write the numbers Ordinal understanding of numbers (number as counting and ordinal number)...
Knowledge of the number word series Ability to write the numbers Ordinal understanding of numbers (number as counting and ordinal number)...
Linear representation of numbers on the empty number line Imagining place and position of a number on the empty number line Understanding...
Work independently at your own pace Developing solution strategies Draw logical conclusions independently Solve problems individually...
Work independently at your own pace Developing solution strategies Draw logical conclusions independently Solve problems individually...
Illustrate arithmetic operations Estimate and then count disordered quantities of tiles (sound number concepts) Laying and decomposing ordered...
Own, creative creation of figures and patterns - active-discovering approach to geometry. Putting seven pieces together to form a square - knob...
Include own experiences on the topic Name the hands (hour and minute hands) and numbers on the clock. Understand why every hour is double (day...
Developing a basic understanding of mathematics Decomposition of numbers (2-20) into two, respectively three subsets Use of technical terms...
count forwards and backwards from 1 to 20 grasp quantities at a glance decompose quantities (7 decomposed into e.g. 5 and 2) count in steps...
Addition - adding with and without passing tens Multiplication - multiply division - dividing - distributing Comparison of numbers...
Playful practice of plus and minus tasks in the number range 1-20 Apply and deepen what you have learned Practicing mental arithmetic,...
Playful practice of multiplication tasks in the number range 1-100 Apply and deepen what you have learned Practicing mental arithmetic,...
Playful practice of the most common division tasks Apply and deepen what you have learned Practicing mental arithmetic, rehearsing important...
Playful practice of the most common fraction tasks Apply and deepen what you have learned Practicing mental arithmetic, rehearsing important...
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family gamesrecord and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
Introduction to spatial thinking through the construction of numerous simple figures - Promotion of solution-oriented creativity Training of the...
Recognising the number and its value Comparing numbers in the range 10 and 100 using relations (using specific terms such as " less...
Recognising numbers without having to count first Counting forwards and backwards Learning to write by tracing the stack numbers Bundling...
Writing motor skills for numbers 1-20. Connecting numbers with pictorial representations. Knowledge of the number word series (counting forward...
These banknotes can be used for realistic money solving and class role play activities.
These banknotes can be used for realistic money solving and class role play activities.
These banknotes can be used for realistic money solving and class role play activities.
These banknotes can be used for realistic money solving and class role play activities.
These banknotes can be used for realistic money solving and class role play activities.
Made from recycled plastic, these versatile counters can be used in multiple ways to teach numerical values, for example in conjunction with ten...
Made from recycled plastic, these versatile counters can be used in multiple ways to teach numerical values, for example in conjunction with ten...
Made from recycled plastic, these versatile counters can be used in multiple ways to teach numerical values, for example in conjunction with ten...
Made from recycled plastic, these versatile counters can be used in multiple ways to teach numerical values, for example in conjunction with ten...
as additional and supplementary material for many board/family games record and compare quantities
Playful handling of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication) combined with strategic thinking Stabilize and expand...
Recognize and use structures in number recognition (e.g. 1000 as 10 H or as 100 T). Use the structure of the decimal system (bundling, place...
Recognize and use structures in number recognition (e.g. 1000 as 10 H or as 100 T). Use the structure of the decimal system (bundling, place...